Self improvement and motivation – The Louise Hay way

If you’ve never heard of Louise Hay or Hay House, you’re in for a treat in this review of her life and tireless work for us, her fellow humans in helping us with our own self-improvement and motivation.

Louise’s Story

But, before I start, just let me give you a little background into the founder.

Louise was born in October 1926 and her early years were truly horrendous.  At the age of 5 she was raped by a neighbour.  The ensuing court case was terrible for her; not just because of the trauma of events, but because she was made to feel that it was her fault.

Her childhood and teenage years continued to be tormented, so much so that she ran away from home at a very young age.  She went to New York, became a model and married a rich business man.  It appeared that her life had turned around, but 14 years later her life changed again when her marriage sadly ended.

After her divorce, Louise started attending meetings at the Church of Religious Science and became a popular speaker.  This led to her counselling clients, which soon became a full time occupation for her.

She began to compile information that she observed about the connection between mind, body and emotions, which eventually became her first book, written in 1970, “Heal your Body”.

Her struggle with Cancer

She got to put her beliefs into practice in a very personal way soon after writing the book when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer.  She developed an intensive regime of affirmations, visualizations, nutritional cleansing and psychotherapy.

Within 6 months, the cancer was totally eradicated.

She reasoned that the many traumas she had suffered throughout her life, and the emotions she had held onto and bottled up, had caused her body to attack itself.

Louise finally died or “transitioned” as her friends prefer to call it, on 30th August 2017 at the age of 90.

The Company she worked to hard to create is now run in her honour as a Not for Profit organisation, to carry on the amazing work she started.

What’s on offer now

Hay House has since published many of her books, together with guest authors with names such as Dr Wayne Dyer and Dr Joe Dispenza.  She grew her website and Company to encompass as many therapies and products as she could to give everyone the best life they could have and be the best people they could be.

They have a wide range of products, the following of which is just a taster.

Online courses:

You can search through them by either Topic – such as Health, Lifestyle, Healing, Affirmations etc.,  Author –  Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza:  A featured item – Making your mind matter: Manifest your soul’s Purpose.


Again, you can search out what is going to be on by Featured events – such as Hay House Live: By Location – East Coast: Canada etc.  and again by Author, as above.


The list is pretty extensive, so only a snippet here, but you can browse through by topic and under each heading there will be a massive range of books and CD’s available to you in subjects such as Affirmations, Motivational and Inspirational quotes, Change, Laws of Attraction, Love, Grief, Stress, Confidence, Fear, Anger.

An absolute cornucopia of all things we humans need to flourish and thrive, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

There are even colouring books with positive affirmations to entertain and uplift you.

Besides us adults, children do have their issues too, and it is good to know that they haven’t been left out of the Hay House collections.  There are specific books for them to form a good base of knowledge at an early age, to help them to grow into healthy adults.

Not just books 

Besides the fabulous books on offer, Hay House also have the On-line courses already mentioned, Audio Books and Power Thought Cards.

They also offer a newsletter which you can subscribe to and, when you do, you will get a free audiobook of Louise’s book “Love your Body“,  and everyone loves free stuff, don’t we?  “Love your Body” is a positive affirmation guide for loving and appreciating your body and everything it does for us.

If you do register with them, you will get notifications by email as to when the Hay House Summit is due to run.  This is an on line event that runs every 3 to 4 months and is a coming together of all authors and practising therapists.  There is lots of free stuff, affirmations, webinars and general positive advice on subjects that interest us all.  An absolute eye opener into what is available out there; both fascinating and sometimes life-changing.

An added bonus is Hay House Radio (radio for your soul), which I am sure is a welcome change to all the bad news we get when we turn on our usual channel.

You can browse the website on your PC or laptop, and they have apps to use on your mobile phone too, so your access to Hay House is seamless and far reaching.

And finally, they have joined the modern world, and Louise has a Facebook page with lots of great content on it.

Their baseline is Self Improvement and Self Love; something we forget from time to time.

Louise’s legacy

Although Louise has gone from us, she leaves behind over 50 years of observation and study of life and its challenges.

We are blessed to benefit from the struggles and triumphs of an ordinary human being, with an extra-ordinary passion for helping others.

If you would like to learn more about Louise and Hay House, please do go onto their website or if, you would like to hear her story from her own mouth, head over to YouTube;  she has many videos there, and one is her story from the beginning.  A truly uplifting story of courage and compassion.

Thanks for reading.

Be happy.
